Sunday 6 February 2011

Whoopie Pies

There is a buzz that Whoopie Pies are going to take over from cupcakes in popularity. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I ordered a Whoopie Pie tin from Lakeland and set about making some. Whoopie Pies are said to have originated from the Amish people. The women put them in their husbands lunch boxes and having discovered the treat they cried 'whoopie!' Whoopie Pies are not cookies and they are not cakes they are just two pieces of 'Whoopie' sandwiched together with icing.

I got a bit clever and decided to make the fluffy marshmallow filling to sandwich them together. It was easy to make but very, very sticky. Next time I'll use plain old buttercream!

Chocolate Whoopie pies with fluffy marshmallow filling. Sticky and gooey but sooo nice!!!

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